- Monday August 21st 2023
Top attractions for teenagers and family over summer
Schools out! With a few weeks left of summer, what better time to squeeze in some extra fun, mischief, and mayhem! We've put together a guide with all the top attractions for teenagers and families this summer, so you don't have to.

- Tuesday August 15th 2023
Horrendous at History?
With A-Level Results Day nearing, the London Dungeon will be offering free entry to students who get a ‘horrendous’ History result in their exams this year.

- Friday July 28th 2023
All you need to know about the London Dungeon
Learn about the London Dungeon history, facts and what to expect from your visit in our comprehensive guide.

- Tuesday July 4th 2023
Top London Historical Monuments
Discover our guide to the best and most famous monuments in London for your family trip.

- Wednesday June 28th 2023
The anniversary of King Henry VIII's birth
On the anniversary of the birth of King Henry VIII, we are taking a look back through his greatest achievements and tumultuous past, that makes him one of the most well known Kings in English history.

- Tuesday June 13th 2023
The best activities in London for families
Hello traitors! Discover an array of fun activities and different ways to spend the day in London including SEA LIFE London Aquarium, the London Dungeon's Guy Fawkes themed escape room, Go Ape, UK Bungee Club and much, much more.
Read on to plan your next gruesome (or not so gruesome) day of fun…

- Friday May 19th 2023
"One of the most famous Queens in English history"
Anne Boleyn is widely considered of the most famous Queens in English history despite only ruling for 3 years. But who is she and why was she executed? We take a look back into the history of one of King Henry VIII's most dynamic wives and her tragic downfall.

- Friday May 12th 2023
Celebrating London's Royal History
In celebration of King Charles III Coronation last weekend, we are taking a look back at London's Royal history.

- Tuesday May 9th 2023
Protect your Crown Jewels
In honour of King Charles III’s Coronation, the London Dungeon and sexual health charity Brook partnered for another year to offer sexual health advice and royally branded protection for your 'Crown Jewels'

- Friday April 28th 2023
Who is Elizabeth Sawyer and why is she considered one of the most infamous witches of the Stuart age?
Have you heard of the great Witch of Edmonton? On the anniversary of Elizabeth Sawyer's death, we explore who she was and what led her to prosecution.