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Hidden History: Codeword "Lili"

From July 6 to September 9 part of the regular tour.

You think you know the cruel truth? Are you prepared for all the horrors of the past and nothing can surprise you anymore? Then take heart!

July 6, 1919 - a historic day that would have a lasting impact on life as we know it in Germany. Magnus Hirschfeld founds the world's first institute for sexual sciences.

These are dark times in Berlin and you are right in the middle of it. But you have received an unusual invitation. A secret costume party at Magnus' institute. Be colorful! Be cheerful! Be yourselves!

Protected by closed doors and the codeword “Lili”, you get into the party mood until loud screams drown everything out. It smells like smoke! Fire! An attack!

What are you going to do? Will you run for your life? Or is it already too late? Not everyone will make it...

With the new “Hidden History” concept, the Berlin Dungeon sheds light on the hidden and darkest chapters of Berlin's history and brings historical personalities and events into the spotlight that have often remained in the shadows, giving them a highly emotional stage and a loud voice.

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