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We've released a range of Dungeon Diapers!

  • Monday February 12th 2018

Dungeon Diaper

This half term we're providing guests with petrifying protection… Dungeon Diapers of course! To help those of a weak disposition get through our scariest show yet; Séance.

The one-size fits all solution gives you the best defence to losing all control of their mind, bodily functions and soul at our new Séance show. The Dungeons Diapers will be provided for free to all visitors from the 10th–18th February (while stocks last) as they visit acclaimed Victorian medium, Agnes Guppy.

Dungeon Diapers Man And Woman

Guests should be prepared for a bowel dropping, bladder exhausting experience, as strange goings-on begin in the psychic parlour. Will they be able to hold their nerve and leave with their souls and bodily fluids intact, as they encounter the queen of spiritual circles.

Dungeon Diapers Man

Infamous for materialising séance guest’s wildest requests to prove her spiritual abilities, during her sessions Guppy is reported to have made hundreds of flowers, fruits and even lobsters appear as per her customer’s requests. She was also known to levitate and enter a terrifying trance like state during séances that had guests fleeing in fear.

Dungeon Diapers

Guests who are feeling fearless this February can witness Agnes Guppy’s abilities for themselves, while also experiencing 1,000 years of London’s dark history with ample amounts of jumps and scares thrown in. They will also hear the stories of Jack the Ripper, the Great Fire of London and face the wrath of our torturer.
